Thrash Metal Heroes!!! Congratulations on your work, brother! The magnitude of the work is impressive. It is volume 16, May you...
Cult Metal Band from Belgium!!! - POSEYDON is a Belgian Thrash metal band with death metal influences. Established in 1992. To...
TOMAS AHLHOLM LÖNNERYD (Deathwish on DistFM, Sweden) I got some really good music DVDs from my good friends at Imperative Music...
PURE STEEL RECORDS GmbH, Germany. Thanks for special support to spread Imperative Music Compilation Vol XVI in...
Pedro Almeida - Toronto, Ontario, Canada Manages A&p-REACTS Just got my copy of ImperativeMusic TheLabel volume...
Metal Core Fanzine’s Chris Forbes - New Jersey, United States Editor of ( which has been going since...
Sevared Records of Rochester, NY is spreading new Imperative Music Compilation. Stay Brutal, Barrett Sevared Records &...
Rock Stakk Records’s Mikitoshi Matsuo / Japan ROCK STAKK...
DEATHMATCH IN HELL / Bar & Grill · Pub in Japan “Hi, it’s great compilation! I’ll put some songs on my...
Rock Bar Painkiller in Tokyo, Japan showing Imperative Music Compilation DVD Volume XVI I saw your DVD just now, I had...