/ Imperative Music Compilation CD - Volume 9

Imperative Music Compilation CD - Volume 9

Manufactured in: USA
Mastered by: UP Recording Studio, USA
Artwork by: Mironized, Greece
Release Date: February, 2015

Proudly presented the following bands:

Agressor (Brazil), Bitter Piece (Germany), Blasted (Switzerland), Cretin (United States), Darkrise (Switzerland), Death (United States), Devilment (United Kingdom), Eternal Putrefaction (Brazil), Faintest Hope (Japan), Hammathaz (Brazil), Hecatomic (Brazil), Infinity Horror (Brazil), Inheritours (Brazil), Land Of Tears (Brazil), Pantáculo Místico (Brazil), Robby Valentine (The Netherlands), Southern (Brazil), Tellus Terror (Brazil), The Fallen Prophets (South Africa).

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